
SaaS product, with the main focus on growing the revenue of e-Commerce brands by leveraging generative AI and Machine learning.

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Maji is a ML/Generative AI SaaS product that helps e-Commerce brands leverage first party customer data and machine learning coupled with generative ai to grow their revenue by 30% in just three months.


Saas, Generative AI


United States-Square.svgSanta Monica, CA, United States

Company size

<10 Employees

What we did

  • Logo Design

  • Visual Identity

  • Website Design

  • Motion Design

  • Dashboard Design

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The Process

Our friends at Maji approached us and asked us to help shape the brand from the ground up, preparing it for the launch. Obviously, we had to start with a robust logo design to establish the foundation for other online and offline deliverables.

Once the final logo was defined, we moved to the core part - product design. We designed a B2C dashboard that targets e-Commerce business owners and helps them grow their revenue by leveraging Machine learning and Generative AI.

As a final stage of our collaboration, we helped with the marketing website, deck presentation, and OOH advertisement and marketing materials.

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Online Presence

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Offline Presence

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